The thing that spanish people don’t understand

Another general strike that will not serve for anything. Well, I’m wrong, it does will serve for something…

It will serve to show to the rest of the world how clever and pacific the Spanish are. So intelligent to think that doing this kind of ridiculous acts, where we burn trash containers, we will change the laws or something like that. We have to return to the reality, we have to understand that the situation is being more difficult each day for us.

The people in Spain use to think in a really peculiar way. We think that our crisis is only something that will be finished in a short time, and a lot of us think that the government is doing the named “recortes” only because they like to do unpopular laws. It is not logical? the people who want to be in the government, the people who want to have the power, is the people who are now making laws against the public opinion. Ironic, isn’t it? Not for us.

I hope it is enough ironic for you to understand that maybe Spanish people have to reconsider the idea we have of a bad government that is in favor of the companies and goes against the worker. Maybe the Spanish government is doing now something in order to repair the situation. I’m not saying that we have a good government, of course we have one of the worsts governs in the world but we have to understand that not always the measures to fix something would allow us to keep the live we have had in the lasts years in Spain.

The situation will change a lot and it is in the hands of the population to make easy or not this change. And this change goes against the welfare state where we have been.

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